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  • Redefine Your
    ​Network Security and Connectivity.

    Gain full visibility and control over all your devices, always and everywhere. Take action with confidence to protect your data. Make your network the most resilient it has ever been, ensuring connectivity, even in the most challenging situations. Built in Europe. 
Technical Overview

Nexufend provides an all-software solution to a traditional hardware problem: network security and connectivity. The Nexufend Agent is installed on all organization devices and servers. Access policies (within the organization and to the Internet) are focused on applications, rather than IPs and Ports. They are configured via the server (cloud/on-prem) and are enforced on the agents. Agents form a seamless mesh network to provide always available connectivity, traffic authentication and encryption. Nexufend abstracts the network and completely takes charge of network security and connectivity, making previous network security solutions obsolete.

Network Security

Unprecedented insights and actionable information at your fingertips empower you and your team to secure even the most critical systems with ease.

Stop Advanced Threats

Nexufend's Nano-Segmentation provides unprecedented network resistence. Stop Lateral Movement and Supply Chain Attacks by Design. Mitigate with Ease.

Efficient Configuration

With Nexufend, you configure the things you actually know and care about: Devices and Applications.
Stop caring about the boring stuff like IPs, Ports or Networks.

Software, Not Hardware

Nexufend is a software solution for a traditional hardware problem. Never worry about scaling your security hardware ever again. Seamless scaling and 100% availability.


The Nexufend Agent secures every device independent of network or server availability. Protection does not depend on any outside factors.

Network Connectivity

Never ask "Is the VPN on?" ever again. Be always connected, in the most secure way possible.

Built For Remote Work

With Nexufend, location does not matter anymore. No matter where a device is, it has the same strong security and best connectivity. Now, everywhere is a safe space.

Zero Trust Anything

Every single connection within your organization is automatically authenticated and encrypted. Become independent of local network security.

Always Connected

Nexufend connects all your devices seamlessly. Traffic flows where it is best and most secure automatically. Forget the times where turning on and off a VPN is a thing.

Maximum Resilience

Devices with Nexufend can always reach each other. No matter how catastrophic your network failures are, if there is a physical connection, Nexufend will find it and use it.